Personal Tech and Cell Phone Battery Recycling Programs

We all know that the electronics we use often come to an abrupt end, they stop working, we grow tired of them, or we buy the next new thing. It’s easy to get excited and caught up in the action as ever subsequent generation of cell phone, now called smart phones hyper-space the technology of the present period in our information high-tech age. We also know, or we should know that simply throwing your old cell phone into the trash is a real problem.There are all sorts of destructive chemicals, heavy metals, and non-biodegradable high-tech plastics. Well, eventually they will decay, but it could take 100s of years. Remember our personal tech devices are made tough to handle the abuse of the human race upon their small frames. For instance, when was the last time you dropped your cell phone and picked it up and it still worked fine? See that point?But what are companies like Motorola, NEC, Nokia, HTC, Apple, Google, Sony, Sanyo, and other top smart phone makers doing to protect our landfills, and environment? Well, all these companies have recycling drop off policies. In fact, AT&T a leader in eco-packaging of cell phones and smart phones has been awarded kudos from top environmental groups for their efforts. The company will no longer carry any product that comes in a non-eco-friendly package or any accessory born of dangerous hazardous environmentally challenging materials.How bad is the problem? It’s serious, as only about 30% of high-tech personal devices such as cell phones and smart phones are currently recycled properly. The industry hopes to get that up to 60%, and eventually someday 99%, of course it takes you the user and consumer to help out too. You should be buying from responsible companies and not just throw your own cell phone in the trash because you are going to purchase a new top of the line smart phone this week.Now some might say that this problem is over embellished, and that it is not that big of a deal, but if we look at the EPA guidelines for parts-per-million of various heavy metals, alkali metals, and chemicals, we’ll find very quickly that it sure doesn’t take much to reach the threshold of unsafe drinking water. The costs to remediate tainted ground water or soil are astronomical, even though the methods are quite efficient and refined.And sometimes it’s almost impossible to do so, and thus, perhaps all of us can stop the problem before it gets too difficult or impossible to control. Do your part – please consider all this.

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